You Should Watch MY Films
Hey, everyone and all. KJ here. Since I am an independent filmmaker after all, I would be remiss if I didn't show you me very own films, now would I?
Yes, I would.
Take my word, and don't just look up "remiss" at (even though I just did).
This piece is titled "A Midnight Snack". It was my entry for YouTube's 'Project:Direct' 2009. It didn't win, or even place finalist, but I'm proud of it all the same. I shall let it speak for itself.
Up next is a short called "Election Day", which I directed and co-wrote with my brother, who produced. It was submitted into the 15 Annual Hayti Heritage Film Festival, where it won Best Short Film. I'm quite proud of it, as you can see. Anyhoo, here it is.
Thanks for checking out the films, and I hope you enjoyed them. I'll let you know when the next one comes around. 'Til then, take care. And go watch some more movies!!!